The Super Bowl Lawsuit That Never Ends

According to the New York Times, Josh Finkelman is the “Erin Brockovich of Super Bowl tickets.” After paying well over face value for tickets to Super Bowl XLVIII, which was held at Met Life Stadium in 2014, he sued the National Football League under New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act, arguing he should have been able to attend the game without buying expensive tickets on the secondary market.

By |2017-02-02T21:55:22-05:00February 2, 2017|News, Top Stories|0 Comments

NJCJI Asks High Court to Nix Some TCCWNA Class Actions

The New Jersey Civil Justice Institute has filed an amicus brief in a class action brought by consumers who claim a restaurant’s failure to clearly post prices in the menu on all drink items violates New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act (CFA) and Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty, and Notice Act (TCCWNA). NJCJI has been spearheading the effort to reform both the Consumer Fraud Act and the Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty, and Notice Act, so we are very interested in what the court will do with this case and a similar case where the court will decide whether “charging different prices for the same beverage, depending upon where in the restaurant the beverage was served” can be the basis of a CFA and TCCWNA class action.

By |2016-12-09T14:48:45-05:00December 9, 2016|News, Top Stories|0 Comments

It’s Not That Courts Can’t Do It, It’s That They Shouldn’t Have To

In a recent issue of the New Jersey Law Journal, the Editorial Board hailed the work of the U.S. District Court judge in California that quickly disposed of the headline-generating case over the amount of ice Starbucks puts in its iced coffees. Wonderful. As the Board notes, the case “comes dangerously close to warranting Rule 11 sanctions.”

By |2016-11-04T14:03:11-04:00November 4, 2016|News, Top Stories|0 Comments
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