Did you know the New Jersey Civil Justice Institute is the only organization that systematically reviews every case taken up by the state’s Appellate Division courts and the New Jersey Supreme Court to determine what impact each case might have on the state’s civil justice system?
NJCJI often provides or coordinates amicus curiae briefs in cases that have broader civil justice implications that the parties cannot fully brief. Amicus curiae is a Latin phrase literally translated as “friend of the court.” It is the name for a brief filed with the court by someone who is not a party to the case.
To date, NJCJI has assisted with or participated in more than a dozen separate cases at the appellate and supreme court levels. We have several cases pending right now, including one that could significantly change the state’s whistleblower laws.
The whistleblower case, Joel S. Lippman, M.D. v. Ethicon, Inc. was also the subject of an article in Law360 this week: NJ High Court Cases Could Limit Whistleblower Protection.
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