A selection of the need-to-know civil justice news for the week of December 24-30.


Butterball Sues Australian Wine Company Over Its ‘Butterball’ Chardonnay

Techdirt | Above the Law

It just won’t stop when it comes to trademark disputes involving the alcohol industry. Such disputes between wine, beer, and liquor companies are legion. In such a crowded industry, it needs to be hammered home that the purpose of trademark law is not so that big companies can bully smaller companies, but rather so that customers are protected from imitation products and from being confused as to who they are buying from.

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Lawsuit: McDonald’s Extra Value Meal Too Big On Price

Bob Susnjara | Daily Herald

A McDonald’s Extra Value Meal didn’t live up to its name at a franchisee’s stores in Lake and Cook counties, according to a lawsuit filed by an unhappy customer.

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In Some of 2016’s Biggest Cases, Here’s What Happened Next

Charles Toutant, New Jersey Law Journal

After the Law Journal reports on a case or controversy, sometimes there are new developments that we miss out on when we move on to the next story. With 2016 coming to an end, we decided to take stock of new developments in some of those cases.

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