A New Jersey teen is making headlines across the country for the lawsuit she has filed against her parents seeking monetary support. However, this is just the tip of the juvenile lawsuits iceberg.


Morris Catholic High School Student Sues Parents for Financial Support; Court Hearing Today

Peggy Wright | Daily Record

A Morris Catholic High School honor student and athlete who claims her parents threw her out of their Lincoln Park home when she turned 18 has taken the highly unusual step of suing them for immediate financial support and to force them to pay for her college education.

Full Story.


 Judge Rules Against Morris Catholic Student Seeking Parents Support

Peggy Wright | Daily Record

A Morris Catholic High School senior who left home in November rather than give up her boyfriend lost round one of her lawsuit against her parents Tuesday with a judge’s ruling that she is not immediately entitled to $624-a-week in child support nor automatic access to her college fund.

Full Story.


Judge Rules Against Rachel Canning Who Sued Parents For Tuition

CBS New York



Daughter’s Facebook Boast Costs Former Gulliver Prep Headmaster $80,000 Discrimination Settlement

David Smiley | Miami Herald

Hey kids, file this one under things not to do on Facebook.


The Third District Court of Appeal tossed out an $80,000 discrimination settlement Wednesday between Gulliver Preparatory School and its former headmaster Patrick Snay, ruling the ex-employee and his daughter breached the terms of a confidential agreement when she took to social media to brag about it.

Full Story.



Do Frat Bros Owe Others A Duty Of Care Not To Fire Bottle Rockets Out Of Their Butts?

Staci Zaretsky | Above the Law

It takes a certain kind of personal-injury lawyer to look at the facts of this glittering night and wrest from them a plausible plaintiff and defendant, unless it were possible for Travis Hughes to be sued by his own anus.

Full Story. 



NJ Court Orders Divorced Father to Pay Half of Daughter’s Pricey Law School Expenses

Jeff Goldman | The Star-Ledger

A New Jersey father must uphold the terms of his divorce and pay half of his daughter’s law school expenses, a two-judge appellate panel decided.


The judges, sitting in Middlesex County, upheld a lower court’s decision and told Rutgers University history professor James C. Livingston he’ll have to give his daughter more than $112,000 so she can pay the $225,000 tab to attend Cornell Law School.

Full Story.