While you’re dodging crazy goblins and ghouls, you might want to keep a watchful eye for crazy lawsuits, too.


In honor Halloween, here is our compliation of crazy Halloween lawsuits from 2010:


The Haunted House was too scary.  Yep, it was filed by an adult against a large company.  The Plaintiff said that the Universal Studios attraction caused her “mental anguish” and “extreme fear.”


Maryland lawsuit over Halloween fundraiser is a real scream.  This is a recent case actually going before the courts in the Old Line State.  Your Halloween fundraiser two hours from my Halloween fundraiser might scare patrons away.  Time to call in the courts.


And my personal favorite, posted by Robert on the Insurance Blog: The Only Thing Scarier Than Halloween? A Trick-or-Treater’s Liability Lawsuit. Robert talks about how to protect oneself from the “overzealous trick-or-treater” whose parent happens to be a personal injury lawyer.