The most successful corporations in the United States view New Jersey’s civil justice climate as worse than most, according to a study released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


General Counsels from the nation’s leading employers said that thirty-one states do a better job of executing civil cases timely and fairly.


“What the Chamber’s study tells us is that successful corporations are aware of New Jersey’s reputation for attracting abusive lawsuits, and they’re thinking twice before expanding here,” said Marcus Rayner, president of the New Jersey Civil Justice Institute.  “Even though the economy has improved slightly, New Jersey is no better positioned to prevent abusive lawsuits from entering our court dockets than it was two years ago.”


“New Jersey was once known as the nation’s ‘Medicine Chest‘ because so much of our economy is dependent upon the viability of our pharmaceutical companies and the life sciences.  Every dollar that is spent fighting frivolous litigation is a dollar that won’t be used to strengthen our economy or invest in life-saving research.”


The study can be found online on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s website: