A selection of the need-to-know civil justice news for the week of July 4-10.
What Are the Top New Jersey Court Cases of 2015 so Far? NJCJI Weighs In
Law360’s Martin Bricketto has put together a list of the top 7 most influential court decisions thus far decided in 2015 in New Jersey. Included in the list is the Appellate Division’s opinion in Daniels v. Hollister, which NJCJI’s Alida Kass weighs in on.
Click here to read the full article.
Uber is Fighting a Lawsuit that Could Upend its Business
Cecilia Kang | Washington Post
Uber on Thursday struck back in a high-stakes class action labor lawsuit that could upend its business model built on low-cost freelance workers.
Judge’s Order Keeps Lid on Bridgegate Documents
Thomas Zambito | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
Those 1.5 million pages of documents New Jersey federal prosecutors collected during the 16-month probe of lane closures at the George Washington Bridge won’t be bedtime reading anytime soon.
Third Circuit Reinstates Asbestos Case Against GE
David Gialanella, New Jersey Law Journal
A New Jersey-based asbestos suit against General Electric Co. claiming a deceased serviceman developed mesothelioma as a result of working with jet engines manufactured by the company has been reinstated by a federal appeals court.
Clearing Ascertainability Hurdle Yields $30M Accord
Charles Toutant, New Jersey Law Journal
A $30 million settlement by OSRAM Sylvania Inc. in a class action over automotive replacement headlamps shows the increased efforts class-action attorneys are making to meet the heightened ascertainability standard set by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.
Litigation Ahead: The Man Who The Shrug Emoticon Is Based Off Of Is Suing
These days, it’s just about impossible to try to control how your image is used online. One man, though, has decided that he isn’t about to let his likeness get away from him without a fight. His name is Chip Foster, but chances are you recognize him better this way:
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