Yes, that would be the killer.
A survivor of the Aurora, Colorado theatre massacre has hired an attorney and plans to file suit for his extreme emotional distress. According to TMZ, Torrence Brown, Jr. and his attorney are considering who to target for compensation – the movie theatre, the shooters’ doctors, or Warner Brothers. The alleged shooter, who was unemployed, apparently doesn’t make the cut.
It’s not surprising that this massacre, like so many before it, has revived a national conversation about gun control. Governor Christie has said that such a debate is premature for a nation in mourning. But what is as surprising as it is appalling, however, is the speed at which Brown’s attorney unabashedly began screening potential defendants to vet the best way to leverage our legal system for financial gain.
Brown wasn’t physically injured, but his friend, eighteen-year-old A.J. Boik, was shot in the chest and died.
Funerals for A.J. and other victims will take place later this week.
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