Friday, September 25th was Alida Kass’ last day as President and Chief Counsel of NJCJI. The entire NJCJI membership would like to thank her for her distinguished service and wish her well in her future endeavors. Alida joined NJCJI as its Chief Counsel in 2012 and then rose to take on the additional duties of President in 2017.
Alida strengthened the organization through her strategic thinking and partnership with NJCJI’s diverse membership. Her tireless efforts resulted in two precedential victories at the NJ Supreme Court:
- Leading the amicus strategy on expert evidence admissibility including the groundbreaking New Jersey Supreme Court decision in In re Accutane;
- Eliminating the opportunity to bring Truth-in-Consumer Contract, Warranty and Notice Act (TCCWNA) class actions;
Currently pending in US District Court in NJ is a lawsuit NJCJI filed, along with our friends at the US Chamber of Commerce, against New Jersey’s prohibition of arbitration agreements in employment contracts.
In addition to her groundbreaking work in the courts, she was regularly engaged with the Legislative and Executive Branches on numerous matters, including:
- Defending arbitration rights on a constant basis
- Successfully organizing and leading a coalition against legislation that would change worker classification standards
- Organizing and leading a coalition against legislation that created new penalties under wage and hour laws
While we will miss her passion for the organization, we know that Alida will bring the same dedication in her new position and wish her the best.
** If you are interested in applying for the position of NJCJI President please contact Tara McCreedy.
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