The Lame Duck session also ended without legislation targeting independent contractors arriving on the governor’s desk. It was a great victory for all our allies in the Coalition – especially the freelancers themselves – who called and emailed and even drove to Trenton to testify against legislation that would interfere with their very livelihood.
However, the legislation has been reintroduced in the same form as it was when released from its second Senate Labor Committee meeting, now as S863. An assembly companion has not been pre-filed for reintroduction.
NJCJI continues to work with an impressive group of organizations and freelance workers who want to preserve the flexibility and opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship that contract work provides.
NJCJI will be hosting a meeting on January 30th at 12pm to discuss strategy for the coming legislative session. Please contact Tara McCreedy if you would like to attend. Please email Alida if you would like to discuss this issue further.
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