A young man who was severely brain injured during a Little League game will receive a $14.5 million settlement. Approximately $4.7 million will go to his attorneys.
A baseball hit from a metal bat struck him in the chest at age 12. Now 18, Steve Domalewski has difficulty speaking and can’t stand on his own. He’s lucky to be alive. It was a costly freak accident that will affect him and his family forever.
Metal bats are controversial because of their potential to cause serious injury, as one did to Steve Domalewski. According to the Star-Ledger, the suit targeted Hillerich & Bradsby, makers of Louisville Sluggers; Little League, Inc., which approved use of the bat; and The Sports Authority, which sold the bat.
Some comments from NJ.com:
why stop here? Sue the town for allowing the game to happen. Sue the state for allowing the town to allow the game to happen. Sue the United States for allowing the state to allow the town to have the game. Sue the makers of the baseball for making the baseball too hard. Sue the opposing batter and his family for hitting the ball. Sue the opposing kid’s coach for putting the kid out there that hit the ball that hurt this young man. Sue the maker of this kid’s glove for not catching this comebacker in time. Sue the umps who didn’t stop this game proactively before the child got injured. Sue PAL Baseball for having this league in which the child got injured.
You forgot the shirt maker for not making it out of a material that would deflect a ball…LOL
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