If you were one of the half-million motorists who received a ticket in the mail courtesy of American Traffic Solution’s red light cameras, take comfort: the $85 – $140 fine you paid may not be the last word.
The timing of yellow lights wasn’t officially recertified until July 25th, prompting lawyers to argue that fines issued before that date in eighteen of New Jersey’s municipalities should not stand. ATS avoided a trial by agreeing to a $4.2 million class action settlement.
But don’t celebrate just yet. You won’t be getting the full sticker price of your erroneous ticket returned. No. After attorney’s fees and administrative costs, you and other red-eyed motorists will receive $6. And that’s assuming all of your paperwork is correct.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) has long argued that intersections with red light cameras pose a greater risk to public safety than those without the cameras. Accidents have increased nearly 400 percent at some intersections in just the first year of installation.
According to the Star-Ledger, a separate class-action suit is pending against Redflex Traffic Systems, which is the red light vendor for cameras in eight other municipalities.
Good luck to those eligible for a $6 check. I’m sure the legal maneuvering was worth every penny.
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