What do the New Jersey Civil Justice Institute, the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, NJBIA,New Jersey Retail Merchants Association, National Federation of Independent Business-New Jersey, Chamber of Commerce of Southern New Jersey, Chemistry Council of New Jersey, New Jersey Food Council, and the Healthcare Institute of New Jersey have in common?
All were present to support A-265, sponsored by Assemblyman David Russo, which would create specialized business courts in New Jersey. Chairman Peter Barnes noted the wide range of support.
Legal issues involving businesses are complex, laden with terminology and evidence which is unfamiliar to the common court. Highly technical matters are identified and addressed at great cost to both businesses and taxpayers alike. The advantage of a business court is that it would permit business-related judicial matters to be heard by courts with an established background and knowledge of such litigation. A majority of northeastern states already have a business court in place, and it is actively under consideration by several others.
Establishing a business court doesn’t just improve the efficiency of our court system – it sends a strong message to businesses that New Jersey is a solid place in which to expand and hire workers.
A-265 was posted today for discussion only. NJCJI looks forward to the bill’s reintroduction and advancement in the 215th legislative session, which begins next week.
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