A selection of the need-to-know civil justice news for January 20-26.
The Class Action Claim Bots Are Coming! (Actually, They’re Already Here)
Alison Frankel | Reuters
Technology has made a brave new world of the class action claims process, helping plaintiffs’ lawyers and claims administrators locate and notify more class members than they ever could with the old blunderbuss methods of mailing out postcards or running ads in widely circulated magazines. That’s a fantastic development. But it’s not risk-free.
CCAF Takes Google Privacy Settlement to Supreme Court
The Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Class Action Fairness (CCAF) petitioned the Supreme Court today asking it to consider taking on the class action settlement case Gaos v. Google. Previously, a Ninth Circuit panel affirmed a settlement where $2.1 million went to the attorneys, $0 to class members and $6.4 million went to cy pres recipients including the alma maters of the plaintiffs’ attorneys and charities favored by Google.
Report: Settlement Payments to End Employment-Related Class Action Lawsuits Skyrocketed in 2017
Glenn Minnis | Cook County Record
Top workplace class action lawsuit settlements skyrocketed by nearly $1 billion in 2017, reaching an overall record high of $2.72 billion after a brief one-year decline, a new report indicates.
Consumers Lose Cert. Bid In Tropicana OJ False Label Suit
Rachel Graf | Law360
A New Jersey federal judge on Monday declined to certify a class of consumers accusing Tropicana Products Inc. of misrepresenting that its not-from-concentrate orange juice is natural, saying the reasons consumers might have bought the product are too individualized.
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