New Jersey Supreme Court Doubles Down on Bad Arbitration Law

On June 14, the New Jersey Supreme Court released its highly anticipated opinion in Morgan v. Sanford Brown Inst. The case has been closely watched because it is the first time the court has taken up an arbitration-related case since it began experimenting with reining in arbitration during the 2013-14 court term. Despite NJCJI’s best effort, namely an amicus curie brief arguing New Jersey must conform to federal law, the court affirmed that it intends to carve out special rules for how our state will treat arbitration agreements.

By |2016-06-16T21:19:10-04:00June 16, 2016|News, Top Stories|0 Comments

Rayner Defends Consumer Arbitration in Op-Ed

“The biggest opponents of arbitration are plaintiffs' attorneys, who make their living in the courtroom. These attorneys are running a smear campaign against arbitration because they know that having a faster and cheaper process for resolving disputes will cut into their bottom line," writes NJCJI President Marcus Rayner in an op-ed in the South Jersey Times.

By |2016-04-28T21:05:17-04:00April 28, 2016|News, Recent News, Top Stories|0 Comments

NJCJI Testifies Against Three New Bills

The New Jersey Civil Justice Institute had a busy day in the State House this Thursday. Marcus Rayner, NJCJI’s president, and Alida Kass, NJCJI’s chief counsel, testified against three pieces of legislation, all of which would negatively impact New Jersey’s legal climate and put New Jersey businesses at greater risk of being sued.

By |2016-02-05T14:48:02-05:00February 5, 2016|News, Top Stories|0 Comments

SCOTUS Decision Should Serve as a Warning

Earlier this week, the United States Supreme Court issued a legal smackdown to courts in California that were asserting that state arbitration law took precedence over federal case law. The 6-3 ruling is not a sweeping change that is going to impact all arbitration agreement everywhere, but a reminder that the Supremacy Clause exists for a reason.

By |2015-12-18T15:07:29-05:00December 18, 2015|News, Top Stories|0 Comments

New Jersey’s Consumer Protection Laws & Outlier Arbitration Rulings Highlighted in Annual “Judicial Hellholes” Report

The American Tort Reform Association has released its annual “Judicial Hellholes” report, and New Jersey is once again recognized as a state on the brink of becoming a litigation hot spot. ATRA notes that our state’s consumer protection laws are far from mainstream, and our court system is becoming hostile to arbitration agreements, in direct contravention of federal law.

By |2015-12-17T15:07:41-05:00December 17, 2015|News, Press Releases, Top Stories|0 Comments
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