As Chief Justice Stuart Rabner joked when he was the keynote speaker at one of our luncheons, he spends 65% of his time judging cases and 65% doing administrative work. One of his core administrative duties, as specified by Article VI, Section 7 of the New Jersey Constitution, is to “assign Judges of the Superior Court to the Divisions and Parts of the Superior Court…” This week he released the order detailing how our state’s judges will be spending their time on the bench starting September 1.
As the court’s press release explains, “The order lists all assignments for judges in the Appellate Division, Tax Court, and the civil, criminal, family and general equity divisions of Superior Court. The order also lists acting assignment judges, vicinage presiding judges of each trial court division and presiding judge of each part in the Appellate Division of Superior Court.”
It is important to note that judicial assignments are not set in stone for the entire court year. Judges are often reassigned as the year passes.
On a somewhat related matter, you can click here to see the current list of judges assigned to the court’s Complex Business Litigation Program.
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