August is the only month without a national holiday, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to celebrate. Since 1987, the Discovery Channel has hosted Shark Week, a weeklong celebration of all things jaw-some. This year we are joining in the celebrations with our own Legal Shark Week to highlight how New Jersey’s legal climate incentivizes lawyers to act as legal sharks who abuse our state’s court system.


Keep your eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts this week and be sure to tag your own posts about excessive or ridiculous litigation produced by New Jersey’s poor legal climate with the hashtag #LegalSharkWeek.



The New Jersey Civil Justice Institute (NJCJI) advocates for a civil justice system that treats all parties fairly and discourages lawsuit abuse. NJCJI and its members believe that a fair civil justice system resolves disputes expeditiously and impartially, based solely upon application of the law to the facts of each case. Such a system fosters public trust and motivates professionals, sole proprietors, and businesses to provide safe and reliable products and services while ensuring that truly injured people are fully compensated for their losses. Please visit our website or contact a member of the NJCJI team to learn more.



Contact: Emily Kelchen, NJCJI Dir. of Pub. Affairs

609-392-6557 or


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