Alida KassThe New Jersey Civil Justice Institute’s Board of Directors has selected Alida Kass as the organization’s new president. Alida is no stranger to our members, who have come to rely on her sound judgement and legal advice since she joined our organization as chief counsel in 2012.


As the Law Journal recently noted, Alida is “the voice of legal reason in the State House,” and has become “the de facto legal department of the Trenton lobbying scene, and honestly, of many policy-makers.” This reputation, and the expertise and professionalism that inspire it, will serve her well in her new role.


Alida takes the reins as NJCJI is celebrating its 10th Anniversary. Over the past decade, we grown from a start-up into a well-respected organization that has changed the conversation in Trenton, thwarted the trial bar agenda, and crafted legal policies that make our state a better place to live and do business.


We have a dedicated staff and growing membership, a terrific group of volunteer attorneys who advise us on our amicus and policy work, and a permanent headquarters in Trenton from which we advocate for our members.


Please join us in congratulating Alida on her well-deserved promotion.