On October 21, Gov. Chris Christie delivered the keynote address at the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform’s 15th Annual Legal Reform Summit: The Enforcement “Collidescope”: The New Litigation Paradigm.
The governor called for tort reform, and other changes to improve the nation’s economic outlook.
At Chamber Legal Summit, Christie Talks Up Tort Reform
Andrew Ramonas |Legal Times
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was in Washington on Tuesday railing against what he said is a “cottage industry” of class actions targeting businesses, calling on President Barack Obama to help enact tort reform.
Chris Christie Says he’s ‘Tired’ of Minimum Wage Talk; Obama, Dems Focus on it as Midterm Voter Bait
Claude Brodesser-Akner | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
Gov. Chris Christie said in Washington D.C. speech today that he was “tired” of hearing about the minimum wage — a topic that’s become the centerpiece of many Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm elections.
Christie Hits Democrats on Minimum Wage
Reid J. Epstein and Heather Haddon | Wall Street Journal
For the better part of a year Democrats have made increasing the federal minimum wage a core talking point, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has had enough.
Christie says GOP Gubernatorial Candidates Need to Win so They Control ‘Voting Mechanisms’
Melissa Hayes and Herb Jackson | The Record
Governor Christie pushed further into the contentious debate over voting rights than ever before, saying Tuesday that Republicans need to win gubernatorial races this year so that they’re the ones controlling “voting mechanisms” going into the next presidential election.
NJCJI President Marcus Rayner released the following statement regarding the event:
“As Governor Christie pointed out, we need common sense legal reform if we want to foster economic growth,” said NJCJI President Marcus Rayner. “New Jersey can’t continue to come in at the bottom of the Chamber’s ranking of state legal climates and keep showing up in the American Tort Reform Association’s ‘Hellholes’ report and expect businesses to view our state as the best place from them to grow their business.”
“Getting the legislature to act on legal reform is always a challenge, but I think they are starting to get the message that common sense reforms are a budget-neutral way to improve the business climate in the state at a time when finances are tight,” Rayner said. “Right now there now five common sense reform bills under bipartisan sponsorship that would improve New Jersey’s civil justice climate. Business is asking, and if legislative leaders want to improve the business climate without hurting the budget, then legal reform is one of the best ways to do so.”
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